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Texture, Variety and Long Life Flowers


About this bouquet...


Our Florist Choice/Seasonal Flowers bouquet is designed with the beauty of nature in mind, offering the revel and marvel of the season's best blooms. The fragrance of spring and summer hues blend perfectly to create a bouquet that brings warmth and sunshine to any room. With an emphasis on texture and a touch of the Florist's style, these flowers are the perfect value for money. Each bouquet is carefully packaged to ensure that it arrives in perfect condition, ready to be enjoyed. This collection features the brightest shades of sunshine yellow and seasonal flowers that evoke the essence of summer, making it a must-have for any flower lover.

Seasonal Flowers & More

PriceFrom £65.00
  • Bouquet - Seasonal blooms delivered in our eco friendly packaging with water bubble.

    Premium blooms arranged and delivered in a Vase.

    Deluxe blooms arranged and delivered in a Vase.

    Premium and Deluxe blooms arranged and delivered in a Vase. 

From Sussex with love...

All of our bouquets are individually crafted by our Floral designer, Amy. You can tailor your bouquet by adding notes to your order ensuring every delivery comes with 100% satisfaction.

Track Your Delivery

All our UK flower deliveries are fully tracked with recipient signature and proof of delivery photograph. Receive your tracking link and tracking code as soon as your bouquet is shipped via email.

Care For Your Flowers

As soon as you receive your bouquet, keep them fresh by recutting the stems at 45 degree angle. This promotes maximum water absorption. Thoroughly clean your vase before use to avoid bacteria entering through the stems. This promotes long shelf life. Avoid placing flowers in direct sunlight or close to a radiator. This will prevent premature wilting. In 3 days time, remove your bouquet from the vase, recut the stems at the same angle by 1 cm - always use a sharp pair of scissors! (safely). Wash your vase to remove any bacteria that may have snuck in during the first few days, sprinkle your complimentary flower food and refill with fresh water. Make sure every stem is submerged below the water line, spritz with water if possible. Ensure they receive fresh air and plenty of love and they will continue to bless your home with their beauty for over 7 days.

Share Your Feedback

Share your experience with us! At The Floral Archer, we make it easy for you to share your feedback with us. Simply take a photograph, scan the QR code on your sticker and review your service with us on Trust Pilot. Alternatively, you can tag us on social media using the hashtag #thefloralarcherltd.