Florist Delivery Areas
Local Delivery
Flower delivery in Chichester.
Flower delivery in Bognor Regis.
UK Delivery
Flower delivery | England
Flower delivery | Scotland
Flower delivery | Northern Ireland
Flower delivery | Wales
How to order flowers with us:
Our Opening Hours
Choose a palette that suits your recipient
Tue - Sat
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Choose a size
For local delivery:
Choose delivered by hand.
Select a delivery date and time slot
03300 435 251 Standard rates apply
For UK delivery
Choose express & tracked delivery.
Enter required delivery date in comments if not next available date. (2 days from order date)
For order enquires, please email us contact@thefloralarcher.com and include your order number. We will respond within 1 hour where possible. Need an immediate response? Call | WhatsApp or reach us on social media channels below.
Meet the Florist
Amy Dore
Business Owner and Florist

About The Owner
The Floral Archer Ltd is 15 years in the making from when my first interest and love of Floristry and floral design began. After studying the craft at 19 years of age, I have since traveled to over 35 countries and developed a deep spiritual practice which influences my work every day.
Just like cupid's bow and arrow, we are ready to deliver LOVEly bouquets and beautiful gifts to you 7 days of the week.
About The Business
At The Floral Archer Ltd we are passionate about bringing beautiful flowers with a personal touch.
Our range of flowers and gifts are always well received and we owe this to creating good partnerships with our trusted suppliers and service providers.
It was important for us when starting the company in 2021 to create a brand that delivered a reliable service for our valuable customers and we hope that our reviews speak for themselves.
Follow our story on social media for behind the scenes videos and insights.