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Flowers & Friends


Become a Florist for the day and learn how to create your very own Hand Tied Bouquet with our condensed workshop. During this florist workshop you will be learning the spiralling technique that other florists use to create balance and structure within a bouquet. We will provide you with the tools and materials needed and advise you on which textures to include when selecting your flowers for your bouquet.


The perfect activity for:


  • A relaxed hen party activity.
  • Catching up with friends.
  • Mummy and Daughter time.


Promised fun guaranteed!




£45.00 each person when booking a private workshop in groups of 4! Includes up to £35.00 worth of Flowers / Foliage.


💐Hand Tied Bouquet Workshop. Duration 3 hours.


Workshop requirements:


A large space with good ventilation and seating that can host your guests.


What we provide as part of the workshop:


All tools and raw materials required to complete your tasks.

Set up and tidy up before and after your workshop.

A demonstration on spiralling technique used by florists worldwide followed by individual assistance within the group setting.

Hand Tied Bouquet | Florist Workshop

  • We aim to run scheduled, seasonal workshops during the year so subscribe to our newsletter to hear all released dates of this workshop.

    Alternatively, book a private flower party to celebrate your Hen Party, Baby Shower or a catch up with your friends. Choose "customer venue" and then the month you'd like the workshop to take place. We will be in contact with you to find a date available to bring the workshop to YOU. Please note this option does not include refreshments and is suitable for 17 years +.

    Choose COLLECTION at checkout to avoid delivery charges.

  • Please note, we order all raw materials the arrive 24 hours before your workshop therefore we require 48 hours notice to ammend or cancel your booking.

From Sussex with love...

All of our bouquets are individually crafted by our Floral designer, Amy. You can tailor your bouquet by adding notes to your order ensuring every delivery comes with 100% satisfaction.

Track Your Delivery

All our UK flower deliveries are fully tracked with recipient signature and proof of delivery photograph. Receive your tracking link and tracking code as soon as your bouquet is shipped via email.

Care For Your Flowers

As soon as you receive your bouquet, keep them fresh by recutting the stems at 45 degree angle. This promotes maximum water absorption. Thoroughly clean your vase before use to avoid bacteria entering through the stems. This promotes long shelf life. Avoid placing flowers in direct sunlight or close to a radiator. This will prevent premature wilting. In 3 days time, remove your bouquet from the vase, recut the stems at the same angle by 1 cm - always use a sharp pair of scissors! (safely). Wash your vase to remove any bacteria that may have snuck in during the first few days, sprinkle your complimentary flower food and refill with fresh water. Make sure every stem is submerged below the water line, spritz with water if possible. Ensure they receive fresh air and plenty of love and they will continue to bless your home with their beauty for over 7 days.

Share Your Feedback

Share your experience with us! At The Floral Archer, we make it easy for you to share your feedback with us. Simply take a photograph, scan the QR code on your sticker and review your service with us on Trust Pilot. Alternatively, you can tag us on social media using the hashtag #thefloralarcherltd.